Okay, swam out to the coral island, climbed up it to see a baby bird even though everyone said the coral was too sharp, (as long as you watch where you are going, it is okay) then jumped off from like 20 ft up. I was nervous, but I did it. Wish i had a picture!!! The day before, I put on some goggles and swam around looking at all the coral, fish and people spear fishing. It was beautiful!!! I felt like I was in a movie or something.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
next adventure again
Okay, swam out to the coral island, climbed up it to see a baby bird even though everyone said the coral was too sharp, (as long as you watch where you are going, it is okay) then jumped off from like 20 ft up. I was nervous, but I did it. Wish i had a picture!!! The day before, I put on some goggles and swam around looking at all the coral, fish and people spear fishing. It was beautiful!!! I felt like I was in a movie or something.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Somehow, I am still drunk from last night. It was a good night. Nothing happened. Nothing good, nothing bad - just dancing and a good time. I still can't believe that the sun did not wake me up for work this morning. I really want to go back to sleep, but there is money to be made I guess. I am really hoping that this is one of the mornings that no one comes in and maybe I can go home early. It looks like it is going to rain, but the beach is still calling me. If not, my bed is calling as well :) I hope everyone has a good day.
Friday, September 19, 2008
open minds
So what is a reputation? I know in the bible it says that a good reputation is more valuable than gold, but I would like to add to that a little bit. Why is it so important that we care what people think? Sometimes, we should, but other times, it is imperative that we live our life according to our own rules not someone else's. When someone is displayed a certain way and you believe all the hype, it can help you to avoid certain situations and problems. Here is my thought of the day: Everyone deserves a chance. People will talk about you no matter what you do, that is inevitable, however, who are we to say that a child of God is not worth a closer look? Everyone can build up a reputation, but the truth sometimes is deeper than that. :)
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
i made $15 my first day of work. wow!!! it was cool. anyways, that's all i have to say for now. i have to go take a shower and get ready for another grueling day at work where i talk, get online, chill and sometimes cook and clean. i am ready to come home. i want a pedicure, and people i trust, but this is working out for me. i am coming to realize some things, and it is a wonderful experience. i miss my car and my friends, and clean toes. now, i feel like my sister mary and her random strings of sentences. :) oh, here's another picture of us chilin at a bonfire at the beach :)

Sunday, September 14, 2008
next adventure
i got a job. i start tomorrow. i have to cook, clean, waitress, run the computers, monitor internet usage.... blah blah blah. basically, i have to do everything. i get paid 1000 colones an hour which is roughly $2.00. plus tips, but it will be good. i work 9 to 3, and the market is on the way home, so i can pick up dinner to cook all day. it should be a good time. the men down here are full of shit. just thought i'd throw that in there. hope my readers are doing well!!!!! i will leave you with the view from my cabina on the beach in the tropics.... jealous yet?
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