Tuesday, April 22, 2008


I hate testing in Georgia. It puts way too much pressure on these kids. On the flip side, though, it does put some sense of personal responsibility on the students. We are, however, #25 in education around the world. Finland is #1, Korea is #2, Denmark is #3 or 4. I can't remember all of them, but we are #25!!!!! What does the rest of the world say about our education system? They say that we are not as good as them. The difference is that here, public education is a right. In other places, it is a priviledge. Kids here take EVERYTHING for granted!!! (and we let them!) The other difference is that the school systems don't seem to care about the actual kids. Here, the public school system gets money based on the number of students enrolled for that year. You place your child in public school based on your zip code. In Denmark, for example, the money is attached to the child. The parent can then choose the school that child should attend. This causes the parents to become more involved in the schools off rip. It also causes the schools to compete for the money attached to the student. The schools strive to be better. It is run as a business. I thought that this was interesting. I may have to run for Senator like my grandpa told me to and change something, cause the current system is failing our kids, and they will be taking over the world when we are old. HELP!!!!!


Joe said...

we can start by abolishing the department of education

elizabeth said...

Parents could also send their kids to the religious school of their choice, making parochial education available to anyone, not just those who can afford it.