Saturday, May 24, 2008


No, not the golf tournament, but the schooling that I am taking now. I have to finally write my Capstone Project and it is not easy. The concept seems easy enough, but actually doing the work is a pain in the a$$. Right now, I am sitting up at the school waiting on all the articles to print so I can do some more research. I should be reading them while I'm waiting on this slow printer, but I'm not. It does not look like I will be getting out tonight. I am, however, going to crack the CAB when I get back to my girls. Looking like a long, but beautiful day!!! If you are actually interested by this blog, thank you for taking time out of your busy day to read this. It shows that you actually care. Now, you better leave a comment so I know who does and who does not :) he he he. I should be in Cincinatti. I'm sorry, Jodi :(



maryp said...

hey look, I'm the first one!


elizabeth said...

I tried to leave a comment earlier, but couldn't make it work. I like to read your blog, just to see what's going on.

Check out Sunday's Flint Journal. Kelly Flynn's column was great. She thinks that part of the reason schools aren't succeeding is because STUDENTS aren't doing what they're supposed to be doing. What a concept!

Have a great day.