Saturday, August 23, 2008


I am going to use this to vent today. Yesterday, I had a wonderful time with my girls Maeghan and Tyra. We went out to eat, acted crazy and had a wonderful time. I was supposed to either fly to michigan to see my boy's show and my family or go to the Falcons game. I ended up doing neither. I spent my time with Paul, which actually was better than either except seeing my family. How is it, though that my ticket to the game got sold cause I was too late, and Carlos was too busy to finalize anything. Now, i'm locked out of the house until Tanya wakes up, though. Oh well. I spent time with the girls and Paul, and they are really important to me - more so than the falcons or shawty lo. i guess that is what really matters anyways.


elizabeth said...

just wanted you to know i saw this

Mary Petrides Tillotson said...

yeah me too, and I keep checking for another post and I haven't seen one yet!