Wednesday, January 7, 2009

no title for this one.

"It may be prudent for you to do what you’ve been taught and what is safe, but if you choose not to step outside of the box and experience the desires of your heart, your life will not be as fulfilled. It may be right to fall back on the things and ways you know are right because you were taught as a child, but you must be ready and willing to do these things or you will not be happy."


elizabeth said...

God's word says, "Take delight in the Lord, and He will give you the
desires of your heart." (Psalm 37 or 34 or something) I am
experiencing the desires of my heart and have a very fulfilling life.I am happy. Two things remain for on my wish list: married children giving me
grandchildren and heaven.

It's really limiting to discard the wisdom of the ages and only
experience what is outside the realm of what we were taught as
children. Parents teach their children their ways because parents have found those ways fulfilling and freeing, not because they want to bind
their children in chains. Elders want to share their wisdom so that
the younger generation won't have to make all the same mistakes over
again. This leaves the children to build on the foundation of their
elders with the freedom of not having to make all the mistakes.
Furthermore, it's not true that people who choose to live in the ways they were taught as a child will not be happy. In my experience,people who live in the ways they were taught as a child seem to be the happiest and the most at peace.

Perhaps you may need to find another quote that actually matches reality.

Joe said...

Well, based on that quote, I should start doing coke because it might make me happy. Never mind always being told that it was bad. Let's see, what else. Hmm.. ok, I'll start stealing from convenience stores, maybe engage in the occasional breaking and entering extravaganza. I've never tried those things and was always told as a kid not to do that stuff. Certainly, I was being sheltered from real life experiences which explains my dissatisfaction with life.

It's best to go through life with no limits and an open mind so that any sort of principled living can be avoided. That way, I can float through life without believing there is any real meaning behind anything I do. Now if only I could find a gram.

Anonymous said...

Quotes are often misleading. Who said it says a lot about whether or not it should be taken seriously. If a person is a selfish human being and they say something quotable about selfishness being a good thing then it should not be taken as something to live by. On the contrary, if someone who is completely selfless says that same quote it deserves consideration.

I wouldn't change my economic philosophy if Mother Theresa made a point that governments should spend more money. I would rethink my ideas if someone who's opinion I trust and believe changes his/her mind.

Anonymous said...

I'm not saying that I wouldn't trust Mother Theresa in other matters. She isn't a known economist, so her economic philosophy will mean little to nothing to me.