Saturday, June 14, 2008

Whatever 2

I know that no one will probably read this, but I have to say it anyways. I am trying to be the better person about my living situation, but it is really hard. Paul tells me that I need everything to be fair, so this is killing me that it is not fair, but I am going to try something new and just let it go. My mom told me when I was little that part of being a Christian is being used. Maybe this is what she was talking about. I am paying for someone else to live in my house, and I do not appreciate it, but seeing as the other side sees it not as their place of residence, I am going to just suck it up for the rest of the lease which is only a month and smile. I'm not sure how, but this is an opportunity for me to make my self better. At least I am practicing being patient. SSSSSSSSSIIIIIIIIIIIGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHH It will be alright, em. This shit really bothers me, though. What do they tell us at church? LET GO AND LET GOD!!!!! Okay, God, take over. I give up!!!!!

1 comment:

elizabeth said...

Part of being a Christian is "being used," but not being a doormat. We need to let Jesus use us however he wants, but this doesn't always mean "being used" in an unjust way. The purpose of "being used" is always to bring others to Christ. If "being used" doesn't bring others to salvation, this IS NOT what God wants. Mothers are "used" when they bring forth life and nourish that life with their bodies. Fathers are "used" when they work all day to bring home money to feed and clothe and educate their children. Jesus was "used" when he died on the cross to save us. When we are "used" in a way like Jesus was, this is God's will. When people take advantage of us just to get what they want, this IS NOT God's will. You don't have to put up with that.