Monday, January 5, 2009


nolan is a friend only. thank you very much. he does not and will not take advantage of me. i thought what i described was a thoughtful friend. please do not speak disrespectfully of someone you have never actually met. I also cannot generalize men into one category. Some may get on my nerves some days, but so do females. It is like that with any relationship mom/dad/ sister/brother/friend/boyfriend. i don't know why i feel the need to explain myself, but the comments that were left made me a little angry. Thank everyone for their concern.


elizabeth said...

What are people supposed to think when you write that he gets you hookups, lets you get f’ed up for free, is mob protected, and is willing to beat up anybody? This doesn’t sound like a man of peace, chastity, and sobriety to the “average” reader. Those of us who “misunderstood” what you meant and responded accordingly love you with all our hearts and do not want to see you get hurt in any way. Our responses were not intended to make you angry. We were worried about you, that's all.

Joe said...

Emily, trust me, any guy that is not your "elder" that buys you stuff and gives you gifts does so because he thinks that one day, in the future, he will get something in return.

And, I CAN make judgments on people I have never met. We do it all the time when we elect people to office. We also do it when we learn about the characteristics of someones behavior from a source we believe can help us gather good information. Many times, NOT meeting someone helps us form a better judgment of the individual. For example, mechanics, financial advisors, car salesmen. Before going to any of these people, we often consult many trusted associates to gain their understanding of the person BEFORE WE MEET THE ACTUAL GUY. More often than not, when I go to a car dealership and meet the salesman, my judgment of the person doesn't change much.

Joe said...

because Dad, grandma, Mom, etc... helped me form my judgment of that person.