Wednesday, January 21, 2009

my list blog for mary

things i find funny in tamarindo:

1. there is an 80% vegetarian restaurant

2. one of the hostels is named: la botella de leche

3. this girl walked on the sand with her flipflops,but took them off to walk on the coral.

4. can't think of more, but when ido,i'll let you blog addicts know!!!


Anne Petrides said...

The bottle of milk? That's a good one...

Anonymous said...

On a trip to the UP 2 summers ago I was in Lake Huron and my feet hurt because I wasn't wearing sandals. We then crossed the bridge and went into Lake Michigan. I put on my sandals and ended up cutting my hand.

EMO said...

this is the one i forgot... there are cactus on the ocean!!!

Anne Petrides said...
