Wednesday, May 6, 2009


okay, i don't really have much to say right now, but i was goign through and reading everyone else's blogs. it seems i haven't written anything in awhile, and now that i'm not working, i can write something. i want to know who actually reads this... julie, this means you too... so if you read this, comment that you did. here are some updates from costa rica:

1 - getting a new house!!!!! it has a huge garden with sandia, peppers, pumpkins, tomatoes, and lots and lots of flowers. i'm taking over from this older lady that taught at our school, but is leaving for a few months. i have to give up the washer and the tv, but it's a house with a huge yard, sunset in the back yard, and $100 cheaper a month! plus it has a phone. i'll give you the number when i have it, so you guys can call me. sooooo excited.

2 - it is the beginning of the rainy season. it rains A LOT, but the sun has been out for the last 2 days now.

3 - i'm off work for a month, and looking forward to coming home to see my family and friends and the nba playoffs!


Anne Petrides said...

EMILY I LOVE YOU COME BACK HOME!!! And thank you for FINALLY posting something. It has been too long!

Mary Petrides Tillotson said...

my excuse for being late is finals but i'm here now